Top 10 best tourist attractions
in jakarta
Best Jakarta Tourist
– The connotation of Jakarta as a stalled city and all the problems of the
metropolitan city are undeniable. However, the city of Jakarta is not as bad as
expected. Destinations of tourist attractions, culinary in Jakarta and
souvenirs typical of Jakarta are some fun things you can meet in this largest
metropolitan city in Indonesia.
Compiled from various sources, Capture Indonesia provides some of
the most popular and the best tourist attractions in Jakarta are visited by
travel lovers, both domestic and foreign.
1. National Monument (Monas
This monument has a 132 meters (433 feet) memorial monument,
established to commemorate the resistance and struggle of the Indonesian people
in winning independence from the Dutch East Indies colonial government. The
monument built by President Soekarno is crowned with flames lined with gold
sheets. Monas is the most popular tourist attraction in Jakarta, as well as one
of the pride of the Republic of Indonesia. Friedrich Silaban and R.M.
Soedarsono is the architect of this monument. This place is open to the public
every day from 8 am to 3 pm, except on the end Monday of every month closed to
the public.
2. Thousand Islands.
Thousand Islands or Thousand Islands is one of the attractions in
Jakarta which consists of several small islands is an interesting spot from
among other tourist attractions entering the province of Jakarta. Thousand
Islands coverage consists of Harapan Island, Bidadari Island, Pulau Tidung,
Pulau Pari, and dozens of other islands. Most of them offer a relaxed
atmosphere when visited with family.
3. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Not only accessible to citizens of Jakarta, Taman Mini Indonesia
Indah or TMII is also a popular destination for visitors from outside Jakarta
and abroad who want to travel in Jakarta. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is an
interesting place in Jakarta that is suitable to be enjoyed with family. This
site is evident from the thousands of visitors crowded this resort, the
majority consisting of children, young people, and parents.
4. Ancol Dreamland.
It was popular with the name of Ancol Dreamland Ancol Dreamland,
this one tourist destination is now more familiar called Ancol Dreamland.
Perhaps Ancol Dreamland is a tourist icon in Jakarta considering in every day,
this destination is never empty of visitors both domestic and foreign. Ancol
Dreamland including one of the best tourist attractions in Jakarta is suitable
to visit with family. Ancol Dreamland location is quite strategic so easy to
reach from various directions.
5. Tidung Island.
Among the many small islands that belong to the Thousand Islands,
Pulau Tidung may be the most interesting sights to visit. This island has a
shoreline that is so shady and beautiful, making tourists feel at home for an
extended stop on this small island. The dominance of a quiet and comfortable
atmosphere is of course very suitable to relax with friends, relatives, and
6. Jakarta Old Town.
Kota Tua Jakarta or Jakarta Old Town is one of the best tourist
attractions in Jakarta which is always crowded by tourists. The city of Jakarta
with Old Town landmarks is a historical tourist attraction in Jakarta that
gives a lot of knowledge. Various relics of the past you can still meet in an
area that is always crowded during this weekend. Also, photography lovers will
always love coming to the Old Town.
7. Tanah Abang Market.
For fans of shopping in Jakarta, you can visit Pasar Tanah Abang.
From dawn, there are already some stores open in this market and will be closed
at sunset. Tanah Abang market is always crowded to visit and feels will be
crowded when the weekend. You should come on weekdays if you want to enjoy a
convenient shopping experience because it is not crowded. Also, try to come in
the morning. In Pasar Tanah Abang, the prices of goods sold are cheaply
average. If you want to bid, then bargain as necessary.
8. Sea World Ancol.
Located within the Ancol Dreamland, Sea World Ancol is a
destination that offers you knowledge of the life of a living biota in nature.
In Ancol Sea World, the collection ranges from freshwater biota, consisting of
126 species of fish, five species of reptile to marine biota composed of 26
species, 13 species of invertebrates, five species of reptiles, and one mammal.
9. Fatahillah Museum.
Situated in the Old Town area of Jakarta, Fatahillah Museum is
the best place to explore many things about the history of Jakarta. Jakarta
History Museum was established since 1707 with a typical neoclassical
architectural style of the 17th century. When you enter this museum, you will
be required to wear soft orange slippers. This site is considering the floor of
Museum Fatahillah dating from the 17th century, and the use of shoes will erode
the floor. In this museum, you can find many historical collections at least
about 23,500 objects that tell the origin of Jakarta in the past.
10. Ragunan Zoo.
The Ragunan Zoo, established since 1864, was formerly run by the
compassionate Association of Flora and Fauna Batavia. Area of tourist
attractions in Jakarta this one for 147 hectares and has more than 2,000
animals. Jakarta’s famous zoo is also overgrown with more than 50,000 trees,
making the atmosphere so fresh and comfortable. This is one of the famous
children’s destinations in Jakarta, providing education and early recognition
for children to live animals directly.